Image ID: A cartoonish drawing of a white trans Jew with hair dyed bright purple. It is wearing a kippah as well as big glasses with thick frames, large rectangular earrings, and brightly colored eyeshadow and lipstick in a variety of greens, yellows, and pinks. It has a denim jacket on over a light brown dress.
News and Upcoming Shows:
I recently released a mini-album of my clarinet sonata on Bandcamp. It’s a phenomenal recording and it can be yours for the very low price of free!
I recently finished a tuba sonata for Professor Chris Dickey, who will be premiering it sometime in the coming academic year. Details will be posted here once i have them!
The inclusive siddur i’ve been working on for over a year is now live! You can learn all about it on the dedicated webpage i set up for it.
In the meantime, I hope you are all staying as safe and healthy as it is possible for you to stay under the present circumstances. It’s a harsh world out there; let’s do our best to be kind and keep each other safe.
I am pretty bad at updating this news box. If you’d like to sign up for a newsletter updates: you may do so here: